Binge Reading Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl, Sharp Objects, and Dark Places

Over October I have binged on Gillian Flynn’s 3 novels: Gone Girl, Sharp Objects, and Dark Places. Fast forward to today, I’m afraid I’m currently suffering from “Gone Girl” withdrawal.

I’m not generally a huge fan for mystery novels. As a matter of fact, the most I ever got close to something remotely disturbing or gory was Stephen King’s “Christine”, and that turned out to be an exhaustingly long read. I wasn’t really planning on reading Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl” any time soon because let’s face it, I have 23 unfinished books on my “currently reading” list and adding another one to the pile won’t get me anywhere near to my goal of finishing a hundred books this year of 2014.

But when I I learned that Gone Girl was coming to theaters soon, I told myself “Read this damned book and get it over with so you can watch a movie come weekend”. I’ve always had this silent rule that I should not watch a movie until I’ve read the book version of it (it’s the book snob talking). I always have this rebellious satisfaction on finding out that the movie version of a book I loved, turned out to be horribly disappointing. Maybe because the movie did not quite turn out as good as what I had in my mind the whole time I was reading those poor, butchered books. *cough*snob*cough*

So when I read Gone Girl, oh lawd, I inhaled that beautiful piece of writing in just two days. It was sooooo good that I could almost taste it. It kept me at the edge of my seat, kept me awake at night, I even ate it for breakfast. It was THAT good. Well, for me at least. *mystery novel snob scoffs*

We watched the movie as planned and I was already mentally preparing myself for the disappointment. But lo and behold, praise Jesus, the movie was actually good! It was amazing! Amazing Amy saves the day! I couldn’t get over the fact that a movie adaptation was actually good and not at all disappointing as expected! Oh I was so raving about the movie that I couldn’t wait to read another novel of Gillian Flynn’s.

So I read Sharp Objects (it was okay) and then read Dark Places (glory restored, hell yeah it was amazing!), and in just 2 weeks I managed to binge on all three novels. I was an addict, wanting more. I craved the story, the mystery, the gore, the disturbingly haunting images in my head. Yes, it was a start of something new. I am now exploring the world of mystery novels and I’m expecting to find some really good reads. The binge will continue.

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